This is the last node to handle your data, before it reaches the final destination. However, there is one potential vulnerability in the Tor network and that is the exit node. Your data is also encrypted while it is passed between these intermediate nodes. This way, your traffic cannot be analyzed while it is being transmitted. So it is impossible for any one server to know where the data originally came from and the ultimate destination. Each node only knows the IP address of the previous node and the IP of the next node. These multiple “hops” are what help keep your identity safe. The same thing happens when data is passed back to you. Your request will be passed between several nodes before reaching its final destination. That node then passes your request to the next randomly selected node and so on. Once you place a request for information in the browser, the browser contacts a random Tor server, or node.

The Tor network is accessed by downloading their free browser. Tor primarily protects you against “traffic analysis,” which can reveal your personal identity and location by monitoring your data at different points between your computer and the websites you visit. The name “Tor” comes from the acronym of the original project name, “The Onion Router.” It is called an “onion” router because your data is routed through multiple layers of security before reaching its final destination.